About Us

Hi, I’m Tyler. My friends call me “Ty.” I love to play Fortnite and have been playing ever since the game came out in 2017. I started this app because I’ve always loved video games and wanted to share what knowledge I had gained from playing with other players who are just getting started with this amazing game!

My goal is to help you winning and dominating the game. I am making this app for people who are struggling with the game, but also want to have fun. So if you are feeling frustrated about not being able to make it past season one or just simply can’t figure out that last challenge on week three of the Blockbuster challenges then you found your solution!

In this app you will learn how to get more v-bucks, skins and what are the most popular tips and tricks in the game right now. I will be sharing with you my own personal tips and tricks that helped me gain more XP in Fortnite: Battle Royale and also get a higher ranking when playing competitively!