Rocket Ride

Rockets can be used to soar across the map if timed perfectly. In squads, have a player with a Rocket Launcher stand about one building segment away and aim the rocket at the other player’s waist. Once the second player jumps, wait for that player to reach the maximum height of their jump before firing … Read more

Impulse Grenade Movement

Hold onto Impulse Grenades to help you out of sticky situations. Need to get out of the storm? Throw one down as you run by to propel yourself forward. You can use them to push downed teammates out of the storm as well. Impulse Grenades are great for knocking enemies off of structures but have … Read more

Cover Loot

Sometimes you’re loaded with great loot and you’ll have to leave powerful weapons behind. Build a roof segment over any leftover loot to prevent scavenging players from picking up the goods. The random roof segment can also attract curious players, leaving them exposed for a kill as they try to break through.

Experiment with Building Edits

Once you get the hang of general building, start playing around with the modifications you can make while editing a structure. You can remove three tiles in a corner to slice a wall diagonally, allowing you to shoot without making a ramp. Editing out one tile on a floor creates a hole, allowing you to … Read more

Mark the supply drop

Shoot at the balloon of a supply drop to display its health meter. This allows you to keep track of it while it drops. If you see a health meter appear without you shooting it, expect another player to be camping it. Use this information to your advantage by sneaking up and watching the drop … Read more

Avoid fall damage

Falling anywhere above three stories will result in fall damage. The more momentum you have while falling, the more damage you’ll take. Avoid taking damage by building a flat wall every three stories as you go down a steep surface. If you’re going down a tall cliff, try facing towards the cliff to slow down … Read more

Baiting into a trap

Place a trap above an entrance where players are likely to run in without looking. Drop a rare item underneath the trap and watch as eager players run right under the trap. Make sure to stay nearby though as fully health and shielded opponents will not die to a tra

Have Enough Materials

Being an efficient and quick builder is arguably more important than being a good shot. Building can save your life and give you such an enormous combat advantage against enemies. The worst feeling is running out of materials during a fight so make sure to avoid this awkward situation by harvesting plenty of materials. Every … Read more

Best Positioning

Always be mindful of your position with named locations on the map. Survey which towns are out of the safe zone and which direction players must head toward. Predicting player movement can help you avoid or get into fights. Moving along the edge of the circle can help ensure that one of your sides will … Read more

Item Management

Open up your inventory and move your weapons and items around in a way that suits your playstyle. Try having your close range weapons in the first two slots and longer ranged weapons in the third and fourth slots. Healing can occupy your last spot. You’re more likely to need a shotgun faster than you … Read more